Temporary accommodation
Hostels in or close to Linköping
We recommend that students who has not yet found housing to book a few nights at a hostel or hotel before arriving. This goes especially for those arriving in Linköping after 5 pm Monday to Friday or in the weekend as you won't be able to buy a ticket to our emergency housing after office hours (only open at the start of the autumn term).
At hotels.com you can sometimes get hotel rooms at a much reduced price.
There is a commuter service to the hostels outside Norrköping and Linköping. Check the commuter train or bus services at Östgötatrafiken! Most of these pages are in Swedish, but you can use translate.google.com or Google Chrome to get assistance with translating. It is not always a perfect translation but it can get you an idea bus stops etc or find contact information if you require additional help.
List of hostels
Hostel Linköping (Linköping)
Valla folkhögskola (Linköping)
Freja hostel (Linköping)
Hilma Winblads bed and breakfast (Linköping)
Hemma apartments (Linköping)
Home hostel Nebo (Linköping)
Kvarteret Integralen (Linköping)
Bergs slussar (Linköping)
Glyttinge Camping (cabins, Linköping)
Central station hostel (Norrköping)
Forenom (short-time rent of furnished apartments, Norrköping)
Gustad Bed & breakfast (Vikingstad)
Kullagården (Linköping countryside, car is recommended)
Swedish Tourist Association (Various hostels in the region)
Vandrarhem Mjölby (Mjölby)
Emergency Accommodation
KOMBO arranges Emergency Accommodation at the beginning of the autumn term. This is very basic temporary accommodation (camp beds and shared with other students). You can learn more about our Emergency Accommodation here.
Other temporary accommodation
You can find temporary accommodation through Couchsurfing.
AirBnb is a site where you can find temporary housing by renting a room, apartment or house from a private landlord for a shorter period of time.